Sunday, December 21, 2008

Trinity in the Old Testament

In this blog I hope to unite the Christian Church, helping break down the denominational boundaries inhibiting the spreading of God's Word and readying His elect for the second coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

The Bible is a collection of ancient religious writings about Father, Son and Holy Spirit and their relationship to Human beings. The Bible is written over a period of 4000 years (4000 BC to 70 AD). Christians unfortunately divide the Bible into two parts, the Old Testament was written by Jewish authors (e.g. Moses, Samuel, Solomon, David, Isaiah, etc.) before the birth of Jesus Christ and the New Testament was written by Jesus Christ’s disciples (e.g. Matthew, Paul, Luke, etc.) after His death, resurrection and ascension. It should be noted that use of the words Old and New testaments may imply that some sort of a new start was made after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is simply not true, the redemption plan of Father, Son and Holy Spirit for humanity has not changed since creation of Adam and Eve.

Who is Jesus Christ?
In short, Jesus Christ is God Almighty maker of heavens and earth along with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. Yes Jesus Christ has appeared to many human beings recorded in the Old Testament including Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Hagar, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Israelites and other prophets.
Here are some example versus
Adam and Eve - Genesis 3:8
In the cool of the day (afternoon), when Adam and Eve heard the “Voice/sound of Elohim” among the trees of the garden; they hid themselves from the presence(s) or Panim (Faces) of Elohim. In fact, the Targum reads that they heard the Voice/Sound of the Word of God (Jesus Christ), the Memra, walking in the garden. The Trinity was there to pronounce both a blessing and judgment on mankind. Interestingly, the cool of the day in middle east should be around 3 PM, the same time when Jesus died on the cross.
Israelites - Exodus 14:19
Then the Malek haElohim (translated Angel of the Lord, a separate entity from the Pillar of Cloud or Holy Spirit), who had been traveling in front of Israel’s army, withdrew and went behind them. The pillar of cloud also moved from in front and stood behind them.
Malek haElohim, usually translated as the Angel of the Lord, is a separate entity from the Pillar of Cloud or Holy Spirit. Malek haElohim is no other than pre-incarnate Jesus Christ.

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